
The case of resource group names in IDs of disks are case insensitive. Steps to reproduce this issue -

  1. Create a standalone disk in Azure, check for ID. For eg - "/subscriptions/subscriptionID/resourceGroups/diskRG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/TestVM_disk2" . Notice the case of resource group name -> "diskRG1".

  2. Create a VM.

  3. Attach the disk created disk (in step 1) to VM.

  4. Go to newly created VM->Disks-> Check for the attached Disk ID and it displays as -> "/subscriptions/subscriptionID/resourceGroups/DISKRG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/TestVM_disk2" . Now the resource group name has changed to DISKRG1.

IDs of disk should be same and case sensitive. Is this a known issue ?

Any updates on the above issue ?Akshata Sampagavi

1 Answers


See this answer to a similar problem here Azure ARM API returns locations with inconsistent case

Azure ARM is case insensitive so this is expected, and your code should adapt to it.