I would like to keep each VM in separate resource group for ease for lifecycle management. I have a cluster containing n VLMs.
So I create one resource group for common things like public IP, load balancer and put availabilitySet declaration into it because is also must be shared between VMs. Then I create VM in separate resource group and reference to availabilitySet with "availabilitySet": { "id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets',variables('availabilitySetName'))]" }, Of cause 'availabilitySetName' is defined.
When I deploy my template I get an error saying
{"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Entity resourceGroupName in resource reference id /subscriptions/a719381f-1fa0-4b06-8e29-ad6ea7d3c90b/resourceGroups/TB_PIP_OPSRV_UAT/providers/Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/tb_avlbs_opsrv_uat is invalid."}}
I double checked that resource and availability set name are specified correctly.
Does it mean that I can't put a set in separate resource group from VM?