I am receiving a syntax error for the declaration of my second module, where I have indicated in the comments. I am using an online Verilog simulator so it does not tell me what kind of error. I'm really confused because I followed the same set up as the first module and I am not getting an error there. Does it have to do with reusing the variables? I tried changing them and it didn't seem to work.
module MagnitudeComparator4Bit(input [3:0] a, input [3:0] b, output eq, output lt, output gt);
assign eq = a==b;
assign lt = a < b;
assign gt = a > b;
module 8bitMagCompare(input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output EQ, output LT, output GT); //SYNTAX ERROR
wire w1, w2, w3, w4;
MagnitudeComparator4Bit MagComp1(a[7:4], b[7:4], w1, LT, GT);
MagnitudeComparator4Bit MagComp2(a[3:0], b[3:0], w2, w3, w4);
assign EQ = w1 && w2;
module MagCompareTB;
reg a, b;
wire EQ, LT, GT;
8bitMagCompare testcompare(a, b, EQ, LT, GT);
initial begin
$monitor("%d A=%a, B=%b, EQ=%b, LT=%b, GT=%b", $time, a, b, EQ, LT, GT);
#10 a = 00000000;
b = 00000000;
#10 a = 10000000;
b = 00000000;
#10 a = 00000000;
b = 10000000;