I have written console application to monitor/analyze the files in Azure data lake store. I have created an application in Azure active directory to access the azure resources. I have followed all the steps given here to give access to application on azure data lake store. I have provided access to the parent and all the childern folders/files of data lake store.
Now, I am able to access the files through my code. I am trying to get the modification time and expiration time of a file produced by USQL job in data lake store by using DataLakeStoreFileSystemManagement Client in the code. I am using Microsoft provided .NET API for data lake analytics & data lake store.
I am getting all that information for the files for which i have provided access to. But when the usql job adds a new folder/file in the azure data lake store then i am not getting the modification time and expiration in my code. Instead i am getting exception of Forbidden Error 403.
the Usql jobs creates plenty of folders everyday and i just can't go there and provide access manually to all newly created files and folder. It should inherit the access role for newly created folders/files.
what should I do ? or Is that a bug in Azure data lake store? Please Help.