
Can you please suggest can i use Usql with Azure Data Lake Store .net SDK. Actually i need to upload some files to data lake store so i need to use Azure Data Lake Store SDK and i also need to add some record in Azure sql server database. So i created a class library where i created a function to upload files to Data lake store as mentioned on below link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-get-started-net-sdk Then i am calling this function by usql. But its not working fine and throwing error. Can you please suggest is it actually possible or not or i need to use any other approach for the same. Thanks

Since you have encountered the error, could you update your question and attach the detailed error message?Bruce Chen
Hi i am facing following issue while calling sdk: Microsoft.Cosmos.ScopeStudio.BusinessObjects.Debugger.ScopeDebugException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.Cosmos.ScopeStudio.BusinessObjects.Debugger.ScopeDebugException' occurred in Microsoft.Cosmos.ScopeStudio.BusinessObjects.Debugger.dll Additional information: {"diagnosticCode":195887114,"severity":"Error","component":"RUNTIME","source":"User","err" while evaluating expression USQLApplication1.myFirstClass.myFirstFunction(EmpName)","description":"Inner exception from user expression: Method not found:Rajni

1 Answers


The SDK is meant to be used from outside U-SQL, e.g., your client machine, or a VM outside of ADL, where the data lives that you want to upload.

If your files live inside ADLS already, see the answer to this question.

For more information why you cannot connect to web end points, see this reply.