I am stuck with creating a map in tableau and was wondering if I could get some guidance here.
Parameters that I have: 1) Week/Month/Year which is connected to the following dimension "Week/Month/Year"
Case [Parameters].[Week/Month/Year]
when 'Year' then [Event Date - Year]
when 'Week' then [Event Date-Week]
when 'Month' then [Event Date - Month]
2) KPI which is connected to the following calculated field "KPi_new"
Case [Parameters].[KPI]
when 'SS%' then -[SS% ]
when 'CR%' then -[SC%]
when 'AR%' then -[AR%]
when 'Clicks' then SUM([Clicks])
when 'Signup Starts' then SUM([Starts_old])
when 'Signup Completes' then SUM([Sign Ups])
when 'Activs' then SUM([Actives till date])
3) I also have a country & sub region filter
I am trying to create a map where it shows me KPI per country for the time frame chosen in the parameter "Week/month/year"
To explain it better: If i choose, week in the "week/month/year" parameter and SS% in the "KPI" parameter then the map should give me, average SS% in all the weeks till date for that country/subregion
Any help would be greatly appreciated.