I am using Tableau Desktop 2018.1.
I am building a dashboard that shows the top 1 user feedback item for each of 4 categories.
My current dashboard version calculates the top user feedback item for the whole dataset and then displays how often that feedback item occurs for each filter that I apply.
I need it to (re-)calculate the max Count for each set of filters I apply in the dashboard instead.
I want to be able to filter the data by 4 location fields and by week / month quarter year.
I am applying these 3 calculated fields.
1) IF [Item]="Issues" THEN {FIXED [Reason Code], [Category]:Count([Item])} END 2) IF [Item]="Issues" THEN {FIXED [Category]:Max([Reason Count])} END 3) IF {FIXED [Category]:MAX([Reason Count])}={FIXED [Reason Code],[Category]:Count([Job])} THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END
How do I make that when I filter it re-calculates the 3 calculated fields.