
Actually I don't want to generate HTML file, it is unable to parse for rsp and tsp. I am using Jmeter on server and using from non GUI mode. I normally come across to run many different threads with more than 1 sampler requests. So , I need to get the response time and throughput for those threads on a quick and easy basis. JTL result and csv file is giving rsp only. I need perfect solution which provides my solution. even if there is a way to generate a csv file containing results of RSP and TSP which I need, will be fine for me.

** also I cant load the jtl file on jmeter on my system to check results manually.

Any suggestions are welcome.


2 Answers


The easiest option would be going for JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool which can generate a CSV form of the Aggregate Report listener out of the .jtl results file, you will need to execute a command like:

JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --generate-csv report.csv --input-jtl result.jtl --plugin-type AggregateReport

Just replace result.jtl with your .jtl results file name and the tool will create the Aggregate Report for you,

You can install this JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool along with Synthesis Report using JMeter Plugins Manager

JMeter Command Line Tool Plugins Manager


Steps to Generate CSV including Throughput and Responsetime -1- Need to install JMeter Plugin Manager - Download the jar file "jmeter-plugins-manager-1.1.jar" - Place it in lib/ext -2- Install command-line graph plotting tool using JMeter Plugin Manager option in "Options" -3- Install jpgc-synthesis for AggregateReport using JMeter Plugin Mangager -4- And use the following command

java -jar C:\Performance\apache-jmeter-3.3\lib\cmdrunner-2.2.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv test.csv --input-jtl testJmeter3.jtl --plugin-type SynthesisReport