
I've read CakePHP multiple checkbox array HTML the right way but getting strange results. I have a list of tags (from a Model called Tag). I want to loop through these and output checkboxes for them in a View.

So I have obtained the Tag data in my Controller with:

$tags = $this->Tag->find('list', ['order' => ['name' => 'ASC']]);

When I loop through it in my View I am trying to output the checkboxes in between Bootstrap markup:

<?php echo $this->Form->create('GroupTag'); ?>
<?php foreach ($tags as $tag_id => $tag): ?>
    <div class="checkbox">
            <?php echo $this->Form->checkbox('tag_id[]', array( 'value'=> $tag_id)); ?>
            <?php echo $tag; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

I copied the syntax for tag_id[] from the post I linked to.

But when I inspect the markup it's producing the following as the name attribute for each <input type="checkbox">:


Should this not be



The idea is that I have multiple checkboxes with a name attribute tag_id[] and then in the Controller I can loop through what has been checked.

Please can someone advise on this as I can't get it working and have looked into examples provided on here/docs.

Try using $this->Form->checkbox('tag_id.', array( 'value'=> $tag_id))Pradeep Singh
That works. But is that the correct Cake way of doing it? The output seems correct as I think data[GroupTag][tag_id][] is right for what I'm trying to do - loop through multiple checkboxes with the name tag_id[]?Andy
Yes, this is the correct wayPradeep Singh

2 Answers


Try this

$this->Form->checkbox('tag_id.', array( 'value'=> $tag_id))

You can also do this:

$this->Form->input('GroupTag.tag_id', [
    'type' => 'select',
    'multiple' => 'checkbox',
    'options' => $tag_id

FormHelper::select(string $fieldName, array $options, array $attributes)


$options = array(
    'Value 1' => 'Label 1',
    'Value 2' => 'Label 2'

echo $this->Form->select('Model.field', $options, array(
    'multiple' => 'checkbox'


<div class="input select">
   <label for="ModelField">Field</label>
   <input name="data[Model][field]" value="" id="ModelField"
   <div class="checkbox">
      <input name="data[Model][field][]" value="Value 1"
        id="ModelField1" type="checkbox">
      <label for="ModelField1">Label 1</label>
   <div class="checkbox">
      <input name="data[Model][field][]" value="Value 2"
        id="ModelField2" type="checkbox">
      <label for="ModelField2">Label 2</label>