CakePHP's form generator for checkboxes ... when passing the following into the name:
<?php echo $this->Form->checkbox('checkList[]', array( 'value'=>1,'id' => 'holiday'.$holidaysDays['id'], 'error' => false, 'placeholder' => false,'div'=>false,'label'=>false,'class' => 'approveHolidayCheckbox', 'data-off-text'=>'No', 'data-on-text' =>'Yes', 'hiddenField'=>true) ); ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="data[HolidaysApproval][checkList[]]" value="1" id="holiday238" class="approveHolidayCheckbox" data-off-text="No" data-on-text="Yes">
I read here: that the solution is adding a full stop to the field name (as below), where multiple checkboxes are output on the page. Is this the 'right' way to do this?
Couldn't see this particular scenario anywhere in the documentation.
<?php echo $this->Form->checkbox('checkList.', array( 'value'=>1,'id' => 'holiday'.$holidaysDays['id'], 'error' => false, 'placeholder' => false,'div'=>false,'label'=>false,'class' => 'approveHolidayCheckbox', 'data-off-text'=>'No', 'data-on-text' =>'Yes', 'hiddenField'=>true) ); ?>
etc. – Skatch