I have three nested ROW groups:-
The first one is a depended on a wether a field is true or false in the dataset, for each case. This is the where the error is worst. The second is nested on the first and is based on a group variable in the cases (1 to many), the third is the ref number of the cases.
The sums don't work for a cloumn that is produced by a join, depending on the ID of the second group. It seems to pull the right value, but multiplies by the number of cases. I can divide by the case numbers here, inside the last nested group(ref#) to get the right value. Tried using "Count" , Blank, Add total after..
If I try to sum the column with "=Sum(ReportItems!Textbox231.Value)" Produces:-
The Value expression for the textrun 'Textbox232.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.
The sums work fine for the non joined values..in all three nested row groups. But for the joined values they are out by an order of magnitude. Why is this?
SUM not working for 3rd column
SUM yields wired results
reference in the code? – andrews