
I have a report that displays the total hours a person worked for each project they are assigned to, aggregated on month. I would like to sum the total hours for each person, for each month, in SSRS 2008 R2. So, for example, I have the follow data and would like to column totals like so:

                    January          February          March
Worker 1
    Project1           50               80               20
    Project2           30               10               60
    Project3           10               40                5
           Total:      90              130               80
Worker 2
    Project1           20               40               60
    Project2           10               30               10
    Porject3           30               10               50
           Total:      60               80              120

Everything I have tried so far either sums each column for all workers combined (summing by 'Month' column group) or sums all hours for each worker (Summing by 'Person' row group).

For completeness, my row groups are:


My Column groups are:


I know that I can create another query/data set to do this, but I was hoping that SSRS can do this fairly easily. It seems like a trivial problem and perhaps I am just missing something.

Any help would be great or perhaps this is something that SSRS can't do.


1 Answers


If you are trying to add a Column containing totals, it is pretty simple just

  right click on cell --> Totals --> Column

As shown here

enter image description here