
enter image description here

Browser's console Error:

Bundling index.android.js [development, non-minified, hmr disabled] 99.3% (1074/1078), failed. Error: Uncaught error in the transformer worker: /home/manish/donut/node_modules/metro-bundler/src/transformer.js at _transform.then.catch.error (/home/manish/donut/node_modules/metro-bundler/src/JSTransformer/index.js:172:31) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)


1 Answers


Make sure you have run the npm server. From your project root folder

Open terminal cd project root and run the following command

npm start

And if you are using command to compile and run the app on device or simulator, then make sure you have run the

react-native run-android or run-ios command from different terminal, to make sure you have not closed terminal which you run npm start.

And see whether server started successfully

This can happen if import is not proper. Example if I try to import something like this below

import renderIf from './renderIf';

and there is renderIf file present in my project.

So all these types of issues will get printed in npm server logs. See the logs and fix it accordingly.