
So i wrote this little GUI with Runspaces. it works as expected when running it in ISE, and if i start it from a PS prompt, but when i try to run it from a Shortcut it just wont boot as long as i dont use the -noexit flag. but when using the -noexit flag it will leave the Powershell process running even after i close the GUI.

iam using this tecnuiqe for my GUI: Powershell GUI Template

this is what i have in my shortcut: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -sta -WindowStyle Hidden -file "C:\Temp\Runspaceversion.ps1"

that wont work... but if i do

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -sta -WindowStyle Hidden -noexit -file "C:\IT\Checklist\Runspaceversion.ps1"

it works, but i get the powershell process idling when i exit the Gui....

PS can be picky about its own command line arguments, post what you've got in the shortcut with and without so we can advise.Deadly-Bagel
this is what i have in my shortcut: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -sta -WindowStyle Hidden -file "C:\Temp\Runspaceversion.ps1" that wont work... but if i do C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -sta -WindowStyle Hidden -noexit -file "C:\IT\Checklist\Runspaceversion.ps1" it works, but i get the powershell process idling when i exit the Gui....Hansson0728

3 Answers


There is no exit code in the template being used.

When the Window is closed, this fires...

    #region Window Close 
        Write-Verbose 'Halt runspace cleanup job processing'
        $jobCleanup.Flag = $False

        #Stop all runspaces


Change that block to include something like this...

    #region Window Close 
        Write-Verbose 'Halt runspace cleanup job processing'
        $jobCleanup.Flag = $False

        #Stop all runspaces
        $jobProcessInfo = (Get-WmiObject win32_process `
        -Filter {name = 'powershell.exe' and commandline like '%PowerShell_GUI_Template.ps1%'})
        Stop-Process -Id $jobProcessInfo.ProcessId


Of course this may be a brute force way of doing this, but I pulled down the template and this works for closing the associated host process on the closing the form Window.

This is what I have in the shortcut.

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noprofile -noexit "& { D:\Scripts\PowerShellTips\PowerShell_GUI_Template.ps1 }

The problem is by default the PowerShell console closes, also terminating all associated runspaces and threads including the one of the form it just created. This is because BeginInvoke() starts the form but then resumes the current thread.

Basically PowerShell has to be running. Instead of BeginInvoke() you could try RunDialog() which will hold the main thread until the Form is closed, at which point PowerShell will also exit.


I managed to get around it, with passing a Paramater with $PID killing both the session that started the GUI and as Postnote said, killing the process when exiting the GUI.