
I have created the following powershell script:

stop-service ''3456''

start-sleep -s 60

stop-service "2354"

start-sleep -s 60

Restart-computer QY34 -Force

send -mailmessage -from operating.system@abc.com -To asdf@abc.com -subject test -attachment 'c:\Temp|test.log' -smtp server ""

I have entered the following information on windows task scheduler

On Actions Tab;


Arguments Tab:

-file "c:\scripts\test.ps1"*>"c:\Temp\test.log"

Can anyone please help me in getting the log file while running the script via Task Scheduler?

have you tried running that exact line from the console ... the entire line that task scheduler will run likely aint what you think it is. [grin]Lee_Dailey

1 Answers


Change the arguments from

-file "c:\scripts\test.ps1"*>"c:\Temp\test.log"


 "c:\scripts\test.ps1" *> "c:\Temp\test.log"

and it should work as expected. Note the blank spaces before and afer *>.

I think the problem is that Powershell will read everything after -file as the file input. It'll still work, but as it just stops reading after the "file" bit, the > operator is ignored/not seen. Removing -file Powershell will still find the script using positional parameters, but it will also handle the > operator and output to file.

If you run if from a command line it'll work, I think because cmd.exe will handle the output instead of Powershell in that case, but don't quote me on that bit.