
I want to query application roles and group claims from Azure Active Directory in my Angular 5 Web App. I want to give admins special permissions / access to pages. I have a registered a B2C App in Azure and a Microsoft App at https://apps.dev.microsoft.com and have tried querying data via Microsoft Graph with the MSAL.js.

I used the Application ID from my B2C Web App as the clientID, acquired a token, and called to the endpoint "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users". The data returns as an array with one user with my information. When I query the groups I get an empty array. My app right now has multiple test users, and a few groups.

It seems I am pulling data unrelated to my app in Azure. Am I querying the right source of data? Do I need to set other permissions or scopes?

I found a post that has useful info about group claims. I've tried applying it to my Angular App, but the .NET libraries seem more fleshed out than Angular's.

More information: It wasn't helpful, but I played around with registering an Active Directory App, created two apis (Microsoft Graph and Windows Azure Active Directory) and set required permissions for both. I tried to use that app's Application ID in MSAL.js with the Azure Graph Api endpoint "https://graph.windows.net" which was unsuccessful. I have played around with using the Graph Explorer but the most I was able to query was that one user.

I'm afraid of that you cannot use Microsoft graph to achieve that for now. You'd better use Azure AD Graph API.Wayne Yang
So I switched my endpoint to use the Azure AD Graph: graph.windows.net/myorganization/users?api-version=1.6. I retrieve a token first with MSAL.js (I have verified that a value is populating) and then try to fetch the resource, I get an error with "code": "Authentication_MissingOrMalformed". I have tried a bunch of permutations. Any recommendations?afriedman111
See this answer from Chris Padgettspottedmahn
Actually I wrote a more in-depth answer that can hopefully help others.afriedman111

1 Answers


I re-read this article about the Azure AD Graph API noticed that in order to query the Graphs, you need to use a user id that is local to your tenant’s domain and is an admin. When I created and used my tenant’s admin (from that domain), all of the queries worked. Also I needed the Directory.Read scope. I wrote in more detail about this and a few other road blocks I came upon here.