The issue you are seeing here is due to the fact that the tutorial you followed had you create a Service Principal using AAD PowerShell, however the properties you are looking for are on the Application Object.
You can read more about the differences here.
Application object
An Azure AD application is defined by its one and only application
object, which resides in the Azure AD tenant where the application was
registered, known as the application's "home" tenant. The application
object provides identity-related information for an application, and
is the template from which its corresponding service principal
object(s) are derived for use at run-time.
Consider the application object as the global representation of your
application (for use across all tenants), and the service principal as
the local representation (for use in a specific tenant). The Azure AD
Graph Application entity defines the schema for an application object.
An application object therefore has a 1:1 relationship with the
software application, and a 1:n relationship with its corresponding n
service principal object(s).
Service principal object
The service principal object defines the policy and permissions for an
application, providing the basis for a security principal to represent
the application when accessing resources at run-time. The Azure AD
Graph ServicePrincipal entity defines the schema for a service
principal object.
Before an Azure AD tenant will allow an application to access the
resources it is securing, a service principal must be created in the
given tenant. The service principal provides the basis for Azure AD to
secure the application's access to resources owned by users from that
tenant. A single-tenant application will have only one service
principal (in its home tenant). A multi-tenant Web application will
also have a service principal in each tenant where an administrator or
user(s) from that tenant have given consent, allowing it to access
their resources. Following consent, the service principal object will
be consulted for future authorization requests.
My suggestion is to use the Graph API/Portal UX/PowerShell to create an Application Object first, and then follow the tutorial by updating the service principal of the application you created.
Let me know if this helps!