I have a highchart(pie chart) with multiple fields (here added only two). Which is giving me issue for 0 values.
The conditions are as described below:
If my first field is 100% the pie chart renders a line of 0% for the other field
Refer to this fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/rndmmuz6/4/
data: [{
name: 'Check1',
y: 100
name: 'Check2',
y: 0
but if my second field is 100% then the pie chart does not render a 0% field for the first fields
Refer to this fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/rndmmuz6/3/
data: [{
name: 'Check1',
y: 0
name: 'Check2',
y: 100
I want the line to always appear.
y: 0.01
till the problem is sorted out. If y is zero there should be no render technically in any case. – Deep 3015