
I have a Highcharts 3.0 chart that shows both a column chart and a pie (donut) chart. This combo chart was rendering fine with the previous version of Highcharts.

Since upgrading the donut chart only renders to the highest y axis line and does not render above that line. The pie (donut) chart used to render completely with the top half of the pie (donut) chart being to the right of the chart title.

Any ideas?

Highcharts donut chart

I have added a jsfiddle with a small modification to the Highcharts provided combination chart (http://www.highcharts.com/demo/combo) to show the issue.

The only line I changed is where to center the pie chart.

center: [300, 1],


Could you recreate your chart in jsfiddle.net?Sebastian Bochan
I added a jsfiddle example. Please see above.philipfc
Thank you. I had also reported it as github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/issues/1647philipfc

3 Answers


The pie chart is cutted, because is our of plotArea, where chart can be created. So you can modify pie size http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#plotOptions.pie.size to make chart smaller or modify center parameter.


You have to change this line :

center: [300, 1],

by this one

center: [300, 100],

The second parameter is equivalent to the style 'top' of your chart


highslide-software fixed the regression with pies being clipped to the plot area by default. They also provided a workaround which is working.

See https://github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/issues/1647.