
I'm trying to change the Highcharts Pie full donut to half donut. I have done in the same way they mentioned in http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-semi-circle but couldn't achieve it. Do i need to change JS file or do I need to change any options in JS file? Can any one help me.

plotOptions: {
        pie: {
          dataLabels: {
              enabled: true,
              distance: -50,
              style: {
                  fontWeight: 'bold',
                  color: 'white',
                  textShadow: '0px 1px 2px black'
          startAngle: -90,
          endAngle: 90,
          center: ['50%', '75%']
COuld you replicate your entire chart as live demo?Sebastian Bochan

1 Answers


If you watch the code of the example you can see a option that sets the initial and final angle of the pie, so you can customize it:

plotOptions: {
 pie: {
   startAngle: -90,
   endAngle: 90,