
Just got this message from Azure Data Lake Analytics when trying to submit a U-SQL job. Is this happening for everybody? Has this happened before?


We have temporarily suspended the use of .NET assemblies from within U-SQL scripts. You will be able to use such assemblies again in a few days. All other U-SQL and Azure Data Lake features are available for your use.

What region? Are you using any tools to submit the job or are you using the portal? I have to troubles using the West Europe region / visual studio submitted job. Does it fail when submitting or when it is being executed?Peter Bons
Region: East US 2. Method: The job was submitted directly via the Azure Portal. Previously successful jobs that referenced assemblies are now failing.taygan
Just spun up instances of Azure Data Lake Store/Analytics in the North Europe region, same issue.taygan
My first comment has a small typo, should be : have no troubles using the West Europe region / visual studio submitted job. What assemblies are you using? I tested the [Newtonsoft.Json] and [Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats] assembliesPeter Bons
The same two. I was under the impression ADL is only available in three regions - Central US, East US 2 & North Europe? azure.microsoft.com/en-us/regions/servicestaygan

1 Answers


First let me address the inability to execute code from assemblies, e.g., the error message

We have temporarily suspended the use of .NET assemblies from within U-SQL scripts. You will be able to use such assemblies again in a few days. All other U-SQL and Azure Data Lake features are available for your use.

We are doing some maintenance that requires us to turn off assembly support on non-EA accounts. The maintenance is being rolled out by region, so some regions may already have the maintenance completed. We hope that it completes the latest early this week (goal is to be done over the weekend).

I am not sure why there was no clearer communication been done. I will check.

As to the Western EU region: That is a preview region for testing some new capabilities. If you are interested in this, please contact me offline.

UPDATE Monday: The maintenance has been completed and all .NET assembly usage should be supported again on all accounts in all regions.