
My current set up has Rancher Labs v1.6.10 and I have set up a Kubernetes Cluster with 1 Master and 2 Agents.
I have deployed Jenkins-Master Instance in Kubernetes and I am able to access it.Installed Kubernetes plugin in jenkins to dynamically spin up the slave agents. However, I am not able to connect to the Kubernetes cluster in any way -

I have tried giving the rancher url

But it gives java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (Host unreachable)

Any idea what URL I should give & this URL is not accessible?

Ideally if all this cluster is up, any pod in any node should be able to communicate with the other.

not sure about Rancher, but when I configured Jenkins on Kubernetes I've configured the plugin with the service domain name: https://kubernetes.defaultPaweł Prażak
For me it gives java.net.UnknownHostException: kubernetes.default.svc error if I use the default url.swetad90

1 Answers


kubernetes.default: Name does not resolve

This post helped solve the issue. kube-dns pod was not up in my case. On bringing that up, dns name was resolvable & I was able to access kubernetes cluster with https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local