I'm using Jenkins version 2.190.2 and Kubernetes plugin 1.19.0 I have this jenkins as master at kubernetes cluster at AWS. This jenkins have kubernetes plugin configured and it's running ok. I have some pod templates and containers configured that are running. I'm able to run declarative pipelines specifying agent and container.
My problem is that I'm unable to run jobs parallel. When more than one job is executed at same time, first job starts, pod is created and execute stuff. The second job waits to the first jobs ends, even if use different agents.
Pipeline 1
pipeline {
agent { label "bash" }
stages {
stage('init') {
steps {
container('bash') {
echo 'bash'
sleep 300
Pipeline 2
pipeline {
agent { label "bash2" }
stages {
stage('init') {
steps {
container('bash2') {
echo 'bash2'
sleep 300
This is the org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes log. I've uploaded to wetransfer -> we.tl/t-ZiSbftKZrK
I've read a lot of this problem and I've configured jenkins start with this JAVA_OPTS but problem is not solved.
Kubernetes plugin is configured with:
- Kubernetes cloud / Concurrency Limit = 50. I've configured without value but the problem still occurs
- Kubernetes cloud / Pod retention = never
- Pod template / Concurrency Limit without value. I've configured with 10 but the problem still occurs
- Pod template / Pod retention = Default
What configuration I'm missing or what errors i'm doing?