
I want to use COUNTIF function to evaluate how many items out of 2,0,0,5 are greater than 2? In Countif function, first argument is range and second is criteria. I have tried the below formula. Even tried using Ctrl+Shift+Enter at the end to evaluate. But doesn't seem to work.


2 Answers


COUNTIF doesn't accept array constants (as far as I know). Try this:


You could also create a countif-style formula like this (the combination ctrl+shift+enter):


Recommended reading: Array vs Range

Some functions like Offset, SumIf, CountIf, SumIfs, and CountIfs are designed to operate only on (multi-cell) range objects. Sum, SumProduct, Frequency, Linest, lookup functions, etc. take both range and array objects.

Array means: {2,0,0,5}

Range means:

enter image description here

To use countif, you have to use range in cells, defining the array in the formula on the go will not work.
