
I recently downloaded the 12c oracle client 64bit (with ODBC drivers included during installation).

Afterwards, I opened both ODBC administrators, 32-bit and 64-bit, and only the ODBC administrator 64-bit list the Oracle driver (when adding a new System DSN) which makes me assume that only 64-bit Oracle driver was included; however, looking at the filename... it is named SQORA32.DLL. Is this a 64-bit odbc driver still? Can I disregard the name?

enter image description here

The 32bit Oracle Client contains only the 32bit ODBC driver, resp. the 64bit Client the 64bit ODBC driver. It must also the same "bitness" as your application, you cannot mix it. In case you need both, follow this instruction: stackoverflow.com/questions/24104210/…Wernfried Domscheit

1 Answers


Yes, the filename is strictly cosmetic, and doesn't mean anything with regards to the "bitness" of the DLL.

Once upon a time, 32 was used in file and directory names to help distinguish between 16-bit and 32-bit variants, but that fell by the wayside long ago. System32 does not indicate 32-bit content (though it is, on 32-bit systems); on 64-bit systems, it is full of 64-bit binaries.

Similarly, and even more confusingly, SysWoW64 does not indicate 64-bit content. In fact, SysWoW64 indicates 32-bit content on 64-bit systems!