I'm working with an older application that I recently updated to .NET 4.5. The application has been using DSN ODBC connections. However, in the case of the application, it is accessed from a single location on a network drive, so it doesn't make sense to require a DSN, and it will ease deployment and updates to use a DSN-less connection string in place. I'm doing a basic string as such:
Driver={SQL Server}; Server=; Database=; UID=; PWD=
The issue I have is that the application is compiled as 32 bit, but may be used on a 32 bit or 64 bit machine. On 64 bit machines I get this error:
The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
Which essentially means it's trying to use the 64 bit driver for the 32 bit application. That's easy enough to deal with except the driver name for SQL Server appears to be the same for 32 and 64 bit. So how can I specify only the 32 bit driver in the connection string?
, or something else? In the case of ADODB, what version of ActiveX? – Dan Guzman