I have a primeng pdatatable with a p-dropdown, I want to select an item from the p-dropdown and add it to the p-datatable(empty in the begining) with the onChange event, it shows the added items with ngFor but it doesn't with p-datatable, what should I change? Thanks
PS. I'm using angular 2
In the component:
public existencias: Existencia[] = [];
public ex_pd: Existencia[] = [];
public medicamentos: SelectItem[];
private getAllExistencias() {
data => {
this.existencias = data;
this.medicamentos = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.existencias.length; i++)
this.medicamentos.push({ label: this.existencias[i].medicamento.nombre , value: this.existencias[i].medicamento.nombre });
error => console.log(error),
() => console.log('Complete')
public addMedicamento(medic: string) {//
let e = this.existencias.filter(e => e.medicamento.nombre == medic);
in the template:
this way it works:
<tr *ngFor="let pd of ex_pd; let i = index">
but this way nothing is shown in the p-datatable:
<p-dataTable [value]="ex_pd" ...>
<p-header>Listado de Medicamentos ...</p-header>
<p-column field="medicamento.nombre" header="Nombre" ... >
<ng-template pTemplate="filter" let-col>
<p-dropdown [options]="medicamentos" [style]="{'width':'100%'}" (onChange)="addMedicamento($event.value)" styleClass="ui-column-filter"></p-dropdown>
<p-column field="medicamento.cantidad" header="Cantidad" ... >