
I have used Primeng p-table with filter and frozen column feature (one column is freezed rest are movable). In the header I am giving select dropdown as a filter control. When I am opening the dropdown, the values are getting hidden as shown in the pic.

Dropdown with hidden values

Since the table header is scrollable its having property overflow:hidden. So when I am removing this, the dropdown values gets visible but the table header doesn't hide as shown below.

After removing overflow hidden

Have you tried to inspect the elements CSS and set overflow-x: auto?Victor Henrique
Yes, I had tried applying overflow-x: auto also on the table header where overflow:hidden is being applied.tariqzak

1 Answers


I replicated your issue. And there is something called appendTo option for dropdown. Which will easily fix this issue.

Just add this option in your dropdown like below :

<p-dropdown appendTo="body" placeholder="Type or Select"></p-dropdown>

That's all.

2nd Option is :

overwrite below CSS:

.ui-table-scrollable-header.ui-widget-header {

This is just another hack to do it.