
Can we create a case without any account or contact?

You need to be a little more specific: By which way do you want to create the case record? By manually filling the form? By client-side scripting? Server-side by a workflow or Plugin?Filburt
It is for an email-to-caseihan

2 Answers


No way. Atleast a dummy customer (account/contact) is needed while creating case (incident).

If you see the customerid field customization, "System Required" will be the only option unlike other fields. This is to maintain real world scenario - an incident has to happen for a customer.

enter image description here


If you want to create a case from email, it will always link the sender to your created case. There is no way to unlink contact/account from the web interface. If you can explain more about your scenario, then I can suggest you some workaround if at all possible.