Given this definition:
data LType : Type where
TNat : LType
TFun : LType -> LType -> LType
Eq LType where
(==) TNat TNat = True
(==) (TFun l0 l1) (TFun r0 r1) = (l0 == r0) && (l1 == r1)
(==) _ _ = False
I am trying to prove the following:
ltype_eq : (t : LType) -> (t == t) = True
However I am getting stuck in an infinite number of proofs:
ltype_eq : (t : LType) -> (t == t) = True
ltype_eq TNat = Refl
ltype_eq (TFun x y) = ?ltype_eq_rhs_2
with the type of ?ltype_eq_rhs_2 being:
x : LType
y : LType
ltype_eq_rhs_2 : Main.LType implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == x
x &&
Delay (Main.LType implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == y
y) =
So it is basically a recursive proof. Any ideas on how to prove it?