I'm trying to get my head around some simple proofs by trying to prove the equivalence of a computational method of computing triangular numbers to the closed form of them. So far, all I've managed to achieve is this:
tn_eval : (n : Nat) -> Nat
tn_eval Z = Z
tn_eval (S k) = (S k) + tn_eval k
tn_closed : (n: Nat) -> Nat
tn_closed Z = Z
tn_closed (S k) = div ((S k) * ((S k) - 1)) 2
tn_closed_proof : (n : Nat) -> (tn_closed n) = (tn_eval n)
tn_closed_proof Z = ?strange_hole
tn_closed_proof (S k) = ?more_difficult_hole
However, I've got stuck as to what the possible definition of ?strange_hole
should be. Inspecting the type gives:
Idris: Type of strange_hole
strange_hole : tn_closed 0 = 0
Which (as I understand it) is literally the definition of tn_closed Z
, so, this should be provable simply using Refl
, as tn_closed 0
is definitionally equivalent to 0
However, this isn't right, as when I try this, I get a type error:
When checking right hand side of tn_closed_proof with expected type
tn_closed 0 = tn_eval 0
Type mismatch between
0 = 0 (Type of Refl)
tn_closed 0 = 0 (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
tn_closed 0
Along with the totality warning:
Arith.tn_closed is possibly not total due to: Prelude.Nat.Nat implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Integral
I feel like the latter might be the reason for the former, but aside from that I'm totally stuck! As I understood it, tn_closed 0
and 0
were by definition equivalent, so any proof requiring tn_closed 0 = 0
should be trivial, or provable with Refl
, but it would seem that I'm wrong...