
Just created a new project using reac-native-init . Using

"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "0.51.0",

Running the project from xcode i am getting the below errors

Unhandled JS Exception: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication)

undefined is not an object (evaluating '_react.PropTypes.object')

Searched in my project directory for _react.PropTypes.object. It was being used only in the mobx-react folder. Now my project doesn't run, its stuck at the splash screen. Any help is greatly appreciated


Now i am getting this error


But i cant find this line in my whole project

Can you share the whole error log?hattenn

2 Answers


Simply import prop-types to your project.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

If you didn't have it in your project than first install it using yarn or npm

npm install prop-types


yarn add prop-types

PropTypes is not included anymore in the core of RN and you need to install it manually. Try that before: https://github.com/facebook/prop-types

Although, it is very weird that you get that issue in the initial project. I don't get surprised anymore since every RN release breaks my code in half.