I am trying to build a regexp that matches only to disordered sequence of numbers.
before, i won't be surprised if you could find a more intuitive or better solution, (and to my opinion regex might not be the best way) still i've written one that works.
so this is what i come up with
[please excuse my for the math words, but this might explain best the way i approach this. you can skip that if it's too much ..]
a disordered sequence in other words, is a non monotonic sequence minning, that we must have a local maximum or minimum (beside the edges). all we need is to find a single point (if exists) where the monotonic behavior breaks.
in simple words find where the sequence go up than down, or, down and than up.
the regex as is :
((\d*[1-9]\d*)[0](\d*[1-9]\d*)|(\d*[2-9]\d*)[1](\d*[2-9]\d*)|(\d*[3-9]\d*)[2] (\d*[3-9]\d*)|(\d*[4-9]\d*)[3](\d*[4-9]\d*)|(\d*[5-9]\d*)[4](\d*[5-9]\d*)|(\d*[6-9]\d*)[5](\d*[6-9]\d*)|(\d*[7-9]\d*)[6](\d*[7-9]\d*)|(\d*[8-9]\d*)[7](\d*[8-9]\d*)|(\d*[9]\d*)[8](\d*[9]\d*))|((\d*[0-8]\d*)[9](\d*[0-8]\d*)|(\d*[0-7]\d*)[8](\d*[0-7]\d*)|(\d*[0-6]\d*)[7](\d*[0-6]\d*)|(\d*[0-5]\d*)[6](\d*[0-5]\d*)|(\d*[0-4]\d*)[5](\d*[0-4]\d*)|(\d*[0-3]\d*)[4](\d*[0-3]\d*)|(\d*[0-2]\d*)[3](\d*[0-2]\d*)|(\d*[0-1]\d*)[2](\d*[0-1]\d*)|(\d*[0]\d*)[1](\d*[0]\d*))
test on regex101
more readable
// found min
// found max
if you will test your inputs non will match
123, 234567, 0123456789, 87654, 321, 985, 346, 320
thay all order backward or forward
Edit :
this regex good for detect an unsorted sequences, which i interpreted as an unordered sequences.. it turn out the question meant something else (i guess the user meant to non consecutive sequence). i dont know what to do in this situation ,and it feel like a waste to delete this answer. if one of the admin think it should be deleted feel free to do so ..