I solved a related problem. My workbook is for use only in the UK. It has a sheet for entering details of cash collected at various venues. The user has two single-cell fields to identify each venue; typically a location and a date, but sometimes the "date" field will contain an extended location name instead.
Dates should be entered as dd/mm/yy, but almost anything recognisable is accepted except mm/dd/yy.
The details are stored in memory, then later copied to formatted worksheets for printing. I verified the storage in memory. But after the workbook had been in use for a few months, I found that if the user entered a valid date in a cell in the format dd/mm/[yy]yy (e.g. 05/11/17), and its interpretation as mm/dd/[yy]yy would also give a valid date, then the date would obscurely be printed as 11-Mar instead of 05-Nov.
Some code snippets:
'Data structure:
Public Type BkItem 'An item of income, for banking.
ItemName As String 'The first field, just a text name.
ItemDate As Date 'The second field, interpreted as a date.
ItemDateNumber As Long 'The date as internally stored as an integer.
ItemDateString As String 'Re-formatted string, e.g. "05-Nov-17".
' ...
End Type 'BkItem.
'Input validation:
BankData = Range(.Cells(BankFirstRow, BankFirstCol), _
.Cells(BankLastItemLastRow, BankLastCol))
With BankItem(BankTotalItems)
.ItemName = IName
.ItemDateString = BankData(<row>, <col>)
.ItemDateNumber = DateToLong(.ItemDateString)
End With
'Utility routine. "Paper" is a 2-dimensional array of all the data to be printed
'on one or more pages; "Dest" is a global range.:
Sub OutputDataToSheet(ByVal Size As Long, ByRef CurrentSheet As String, _
ByRef Paper() As Variant)
Set Dest = Worksheets(CurrentSheet).Range((Cells(1, 1)), _
(Cells(Size, LastCol)))
Dest.Value = Paper 'Copy data to final sheet for printing.
End Sub 'OutputDataToSheet.
'As we build the array "Paper", it helps to format those cells on the final
'printout worksheet which are going to contain dates.
.Range(Cells(CurRow, L15c01), Cells(CurRow, L15c01)).NumberFormat = "dd-Mmm-yyyy"
'For the item date.
.Range(Cells(CurRow, L15c01), Cells(CurRow, L15c01)).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
If IsDate(BankItem(item).ItemDateString) Then
Paper(<row>, <col>) = BankItem(item).ItemDateNumber
'Date as a number, so OutputDataToSheet preserves UK date format.
Paper(<row>, <col>) = BankItem(item).ItemDateString
'Extension of name.
End If 'IsDate(.ItemDateString).