
I am developing a Discord bot with Python. When a user calls the help command on a specific command, the bot sends back the command specified -- but no description on that command (except for the default help command itself).

For example:

User: e!help question
Bot: e!question [question...]

But the description for the help command was already defined:

User: e!help help
Bot: e!help [commands...] | Shows this message.

How would I edit the description of a command?


1 Answers


You can use brief and description when creating commands to add details to the help command. See example code below.

from discord.ext import commands

bot_prefix = '!'

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix=bot_prefix)

@client.command(brief='This is the brief description', description='This is the full description')
async def foo():
    await client.say('bar')


Using !help will display the following

​No Category:
  help Shows this message.
  foo  This is the brief description

Type !help command for more info on a command.
You can also type !help category for more info on a category.

Using !help foo will display the following

This is the full description
