Could someone help me achieve the date logic as below:
I work for a fiscal year starting from Oct to Sep, once I finish the fiscal year and step into a new one I want the last month of last fiscal year's sales for reference until the end of new fiscal year. For example, now in Sep'17 the fiscal year ended but I want Sep'17 sales number to be shown in graph as reference until next Sep'18 later that I want Sep'18 number to be shown until Sep'19 and so on so forth.
The logic I have arrived is not a permanent solution as it requires editing once I step into Year 2018, it is as below:
IF YEAR([Invoice Date]) = YEAR(TODAY()) AND
DATEPART('month', [Invoice Date]) = 9 THEN [Sales] END
once I step into Year 2018, I need to make change to the above logic like:
IF YEAR([Invoice Date]) = YEAR(TODAY())**-1** AND
DATEPART('month', [Invoice Date]) = 9 THEN [Sales] END
Is there a way to achieve permanent solution without editing the logic?