I'm new to Lucene. I want to write a sample code of PyLucene 6.5 in Python 3. I changed this sample code for the version. However, I could find few document and I'm not sure the changes are correct.
# indexer.py
import sys
import lucene
from java.io import File
from org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard import StandardAnalyzer
from org.apache.lucene.document import Document, Field, StringField, FieldType
from org.apache.lucene.index import IndexWriter, IndexWriterConfig
from org.apache.lucene.store import SimpleFSDirectory, FSDirectory
from org.apache.lucene.util import Version
if __name__ == "__main__":
indexPath = File("index/").toPath()
indexDir = FSDirectory.open(indexPath)
writerConfig = IndexWriterConfig(StandardAnalyzer())
writer = IndexWriter(indexDir, writerConfig)
print("%d docs in index" % writer.numDocs())
print("Reading lines from sys.stdin...")
tft = FieldType()
for n, l in enumerate(sys.stdin):
doc = Document()
doc.add(Field("text", l, tft))
print("Indexed %d lines from stdin (%d docs in index)" % (n, writer.numDocs()))
print("Closing index of %d docs..." % writer.numDocs())
This code reads input and stores in index
# retriever.py
import sys
import lucene
from java.io import File
from org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard import StandardAnalyzer
from org.apache.lucene.document import Document, Field
from org.apache.lucene.search import IndexSearcher
from org.apache.lucene.index import IndexReader, DirectoryReader
from org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic import QueryParser
from org.apache.lucene.store import SimpleFSDirectory, FSDirectory
from org.apache.lucene.util import Version
if __name__ == "__main__":
analyzer = StandardAnalyzer()
indexPath = File("index/").toPath()
indexDir = FSDirectory.open(indexPath)
reader = DirectoryReader.open(indexDir)
searcher = IndexSearcher(reader)
query = QueryParser("text", analyzer).parse("hello")
MAX = 1000
hits = searcher.search(query, MAX)
print("Found %d document(s) that matched query '%s':" % (hits.totalHits, query))
for hit in hits.scoreDocs:
print(hit.score, hit.doc, hit.toString())
doc = searcher.doc(hit.doc)
We should be able to retrieve (search) with retriever.py
but it does not return anything. What's wrong with it?