
I've configured SSL connection in a RabbitMQ server.

When looking into Rabbit logs - I clearly see that Rabbit listens to 5671 port:

=INFO REPORT==== 5-Dec-2017::15:27:59 ===
started SSL Listener on [::]:5671

=INFO REPORT==== 5-Dec-2017::15:27:59 ===
started SSL Listener on

Unfortunately, when trying to open connection with OpenSSL:

openssl s_client -connect myrabbitserver.com:5671 -cert client/cert.pem -key client/key.pem -CAfile testca/cacert.pem

I'm getting this response immediately:


And that's it. Client just hangs. I've tried to set a connection timeout on RabbitMQ server - but it won't help as I don't get any further details regarding any problems.

When I look into RabbitMQ logs - I don't see any request went in.

Any help ?

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Use TLS 1.0 (or above) and Server Name Indication (SNI).jww

3 Answers


Things has been working out for me. I'm using windows so I need to use "\" instead of "\" in rabbit config file.

In addition, it's important to notice policy errors and ignore some of them if you need


It happened to me. Connection is achieved but there are no cert exchange. Reason is that cert cannot be loaded, either for a wrong passphrase of the key or wrong permissions in directory/files (cert, key and chained cert).


The same thing happened to me recently in RabbitMQ 3.7.10, and the cause was that the key I was referencing was password-protected, but I had failed to provide the password in the RabbitMQ config, like this:

ssl_options.password = password

Unfortunately there was absolutely nothing in the RabbitMQ logs about this, even with the log level set to debug.