I've configured SSL connection in a RabbitMQ server.
When looking into Rabbit logs - I clearly see that Rabbit listens to 5671 port:
=INFO REPORT==== 5-Dec-2017::15:27:59 ===
started SSL Listener on [::]:5671
=INFO REPORT==== 5-Dec-2017::15:27:59 ===
started SSL Listener on
Unfortunately, when trying to open connection with OpenSSL:
openssl s_client -connect myrabbitserver.com:5671 -cert client/cert.pem -key client/key.pem -CAfile testca/cacert.pem
I'm getting this response immediately:
And that's it. Client just hangs. I've tried to set a connection timeout on RabbitMQ server - but it won't help as I don't get any further details regarding any problems.
When I look into RabbitMQ logs - I don't see any request went in.
Any help ?