I'm working with Windows Server 2012, Erlang 19.2, and RabbitMq 3.6.6. I'm having trouble configuring the connection between endpoints using TLS. I've tried every answer on SO, as well as all the RabbitMq docs here and here. Not sure what we're doing wrong.
In the troubleshooting link here all tests pass except the "Attempt SSL connection to broker" piece. This is where the problem lies and I'm not sure why.
When I go through the documentation on troubleshooting to see if you can get a peer connection over SSL
on port 8443, it works fine. Then trying to connect to the broker on port 5671 fails, saying bad handshake.
Switching the RabbitMq config file to 8443 does nothing, other than make the peer to peer work on 5671 and fail on 8443.
My config file:
{rabbit, [
{ssl_listeners, [5671]},
{ssl_options, [{cacertfile,"C:\\rabbitcerts\\testca\\cacert.pem"},
{depth, 2},
Running this command:
c:\rabbitcerts>openssl s_client -connect localhost:5671 -cert client/cert.pem -key client/key.pem -CAfile testca/cacert.pem
Produces this error:
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
And in the log file:
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:50 ===
Memory limit set to 716MB of 1791MB total.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:50 ===
Disk free limit set to 50MB
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:50 ===
Limiting to approx 8092 file handles (7280 sockets)
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:50 ===
FHC read buffering: OFF
FHC write buffering: ON
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:50 ===
Priority queues enabled, real BQ is rabbit_variable_queue
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Starting rabbit_node_monitor
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Management plugin: using rates mode 'basic'
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
msg_store_transient: using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
msg_store_persistent: using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
started TCP Listener on [::]:5672
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
started TCP Listener on
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
started SSL Listener on [::]:5671
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
started SSL Listener on
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Management plugin started. Port: 15672
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics event collector started.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics database started.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_queue_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_queue_stats_deliver_get with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_queue_exchange_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_vhost_stats_deliver_get with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_vhost_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_vhost_stats_queue_msg_rates with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_vhost_stats_queue_msg_counts with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_vhost_stats_coarse_conn_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_queue_stats_deliver_get with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_queue_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_queue_stats_queue_msg_counts with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_stats_deliver_get with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_stats_queue_msg_counts with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_stats_process_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_exchange_stats_deliver_get with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_channel_exchange_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_exchange_stats_fine_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table aggr_node_stats_coarse_node_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Statistics garbage collector started for table connection_stats with interval 5000.
=INFO REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:42:51 ===
Server startup complete; 6 plugins started.
* rabbitmq_management
* rabbitmq_web_dispatch
* webmachine
* mochiweb
* rabbitmq_management_agent
* amqp_client
=ERROR REPORT==== 19-Jan-2017::16:54:39 ===
SSL: hello: tls_handshake.erl:202:Fatal error: handshake failure - handshake_decode_error
What on Earth am I missing?
I've reached out to my network admin to see if there is a configuration on the server that we might be missing, per this answer on SO, but I'd like to hear from others, as I'm sure I can't be the only one encountering any issues...
It appears I'm getting closer using the new command from @jww.
openssl s_client -connect mymachine:5671 -tls1 -servername mymachine
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
depth=1 /CN=MyTestCA
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0
Certificate chain
0 s:/CN=$(hostname)/O=server
1 s:/CN=MyTestCA
Server certificate
Acceptable client certificate CA names
SSL handshake has read 1659 bytes and written 453 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
Server public key is 2048 bit
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Protocol : TLSv1
Cipher : AES256-SHA
Session-ID: 0E00F18E516DBD5C7EE7F7FE070BDC09FBE3B731FA8D1DF2ECD75E455BB8A6EF
Master-Key: 61F018A5B629EE6015F88B076AEA8765E153A8CCB2241766DFD0BCC369DC703C9BF42249E47C93EEA318899615732390
Key-Arg : None
Start Time: 1484872012
Timeout : 7200 (sec)
Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)
command I am using. In a dev environment, and with a broker on the same machine, it should work fine, according to every other document - that article is under the assumption it's over the net. – ragerorys_client -connect example.com:443 -tls1 -servername example.com
. Use the server name and port. If it does not work with TLS 1.0 (-tls1
), then try TLS 1.2 (-tls1_2
). – jww-tls1
to it, it worked correctly and gave me aVerify code: 0 (ok)
- so it appears it was using the wrong type on the broker. Thanks for getting me where I needed to be @jww – ragerory