
i am using windows 10.

i am trying to create a report for continuous form (Half Of A4), i set manually from device and printer, so i set printer server like this.

enter image description here

then i change page setup on CR to vpc (name of paper where i create on printer server) like this..

enter image description here

then i tried it with different way :

  1. i preview the report, than print.

enter image description here

with out run my application. the print result was great. just like i want.

  1. i run my application, preview my report with Crystal REport viewer tools, but my report become landscape. not protrait.

enter image description here


what must i do?

someone help me please :(Kiong Lam

1 Answers


yes, after a week,finally i found the answer, we need to set default paper to our customer paper.

just that.