
I have three classes (Data, First, Second ).

I'm creating member of Data in First and try to pass it to Second with the following:

public class First
    public Data DataMember;
    Second SecondMember;

    void First_Function()
        SecondMember.Second_Function(ref DataMember);

public class Second
    Data DataMember;

    public void Second_Function(ref Data data)


Is there a way to access the First.Data member in Second.Data member?

Using ref in the Second.Second_Function() allows me to access the member of the First but only inside the Second_Function().

I want another function in Second to access it, that has a different "call back time" as the Second_Function().

Edit :

My question in not about what is the difference between the reference and value type .

if I use ref keyword for a int variable , that mean if I replace it with another value it will effect the original .

in class when I have two variable reference to the same instance if I edit one of them I effect the other , that's because they reference to the same thing ,I want to know if there is a way in C# to replace one of the variable ,and make the other variable change with it .

Do you only want the classes to share this Data i.e. avoid making a public property?doctorlove
" I want another function in the Second class to access it" - then second class need an instance of its parent (as member, e.g. private field). Btw, you have NullReferenceException right now.Sinatr
yeah I didn't write the data class , its just to explain the ideaHoney
Why dont you write this.DataMember = data; in your Second_Function()?Rand Random

1 Answers


There are two kinds of types in C#: reference types and value types. Variables of reference types store references to their data (objects), while variables of value types directly contain their data. With reference types, two variables can reference the same object; therefore, operations on one variable can affect the object referenced by the other variable. With value types, each variable has its own copy of the data, and it is not possible for operations on one variable to affect the other (except in the case of ref and out parameter variables, for more details see here

Here an example:


  1. Pass your data object to the class First, Second as parameter in the constructor
  2. Any updates happens on the data object inside First or Second will be reflected on the data object outside these classes because it is reference type

    public class Data{ public Data(int value) { this.Value = value; } public int Value{get;set;} }

    public class First{ private Data m_data; public First(Data data) { m_data = data; } public void Add(int value) { if(m_data!=null) m_data.Value+=value; } }

    public class Second{ private Data m_data; public Second(Data data) { m_data = data; } public void Multiply(int value) { if(m_data!=null) m_data.Value*=value; } }

now let us setup this scenario

var data = new Data(10);
var first = new First(data);
var second = new Second(data);          

What do you expect the value inside the class data? 10? you are wrong, the value is 60

Here a working demo

Hope this will help you