I was following the basic React 'tic tac toe tutorial' and understood most of what was happening.
However when I got to the second part I ran into something I didn't quite understand, and nor could my friends really tell me how it worked.
the tic tac toe game has a history variable. this variable contains an array of a square array. (So instances of the playing field that is made up of squares).
history = [{
squares: [
null, null, null,
null, null, null,
null, null, null,
squares: [
null, null, null,
null, 'X', null,
null, null, null,
]},// ...]
Now in the tutorial this piece of code is written:
const moves = history.map((step, move) => {
const desc = move ?
'Go to move #' + move :
'Go to game start';
return (
<button onClick={() => this.jumpTo(move)}>{desc}</button>
I get what it does, but my question is where do the step and move parameters come from? And also what exactly is the difference between step and move in this example? wouldn't one parameter suffice? I tried looking more closely at the map function, but it doesn't really give me any clarity for this specific example!
Link to full code: https://codepen.io/gaearon/pen/gWWZgR?editors=0010
Link to full tutorial (Chapter Storing a History introduces this code): https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html
function callback(currentValue, index, array)
- so, step is currentValue, and move is index – Jaromanda X