I made a tic tac toe game. It works fine but the player's name are static. I have a form with two player's name as an text field which sets state values when typed something.
I am having a problem to render the game when button is clicked.
classNames : Board-> contains the tic tac toe game
Game -> contains Board class with extra divs for "turns" "player names"
StartGame -> contains the form
I have written the following code to get the tic tac toe game div when button is clicked.
<label> Player 1: </label>
onChange={() => this.setState({ p1: event.target.value })}
placeholder="Player 1 Name"
<br /> <br />
<label> Player 2: </label>
onChange={() => this.setState({ p2: event.target.value })}
placeholder="Player 2 Name"
<br /> <br />
value="Start New Game"
onClick={() => {
this.renderGame(this.state.p1, this.state.p2);
Code for whole project is: https://codepen.io/damodar-bhattarai/pen/YzKWREN?editors=0010
I want to display the tic tac toe game only when form is filled and button is clicked.
update: Code for renderGame function
renderGame(p11, p22){
if (p11 && p22) {
return <Game p1={p11} p2={p22} />;
} else {
return "error";
Final Update
Game Working link with restart new game: https://codepen.io/damodar-bhattarai/pen/zYOBexp?editors=0010
function. – Vipin Yadav