I'm nesting blocks, and it looks UGGGGLY. Is there a way to write this less ugly? Mostly looking for syntax suggestions, rather than structural, but I'll accept either.
My block factory method,
-(NSImage *(^)(CGFloat size, BOOL preview))resizeBlock {
return (NSImage *(^)(CGFloat size, BOOL preview))[[^(CGFloat size, BOOL preview){
// image-resizing code
return [[[NSImage alloc] init] autorelease];
} copy] autorelease];
Which is called from a number of functions similar to this,
-(void)queueResize:(CGFloat)targetSize toView:(NSImageView *)targetView {
NSImage*(^sizeBlock)(CGFloat,BOOL) = [self resizeBlock];
NSBlockOperation *bo = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^(void) {
NSImage *previewImage = (NSImage*)sizeBlock(targetSize,YES);
targetView.image = previewImage;
[queue addOperation:bo];
queue is an NSOperationQueue object. It won't compile without all the (ugly ugly) casting. Amidoinitrite?
Edit: As per Dave DeLong's answer, and http://www.cimgf.com/2008/02/16/cocoa-tutorial-nsoperation-and-nsoperationqueue/, I changed the line
targetView.image = previewImage;
to be,
[targetView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(setImage:) withObject:previewImage waitUntilDone:YES];
[self resizeBlock]
called anywhere else in your program, or just in thequeueResize:toView:
method? – Itai Ferber