
I have developed a mp3 player with Delphi (XE) using the BASS library.

Due to certain reasons, I want to remove the BASS libraries and want to use the TMediaPlayer component in Delphi (also want to "move" the project to Delphi 10 Seattle).

Now I found out that some of my mp3 files have a "strange" jpg image embedded.

Means, that the Delphi components run into an error due to the image.

With long time debugging I can say the following:

  mplMain.FileName := CurrentSong;

  progbSong.Max := mplMain.Duration;
  lblDuration.Text := DurationToString(mplMain.Duration);

  on E: Exception do
    FMX.Dialogs.MessageDlg('Cannot play song: ' + CurrentSong + #10 + #13 +
                           'Reason: ' + E.Message,
                           TMsgDlgType.mtWarning, [TMsgDlgBtn.mbOK], 0,
      procedure(const AResult: TModalResult)

This line:

mplMain.FileName := CurrentSong;

causes the problem.

Diving deeper in debugging it comes to here:

FMX.Media library:

procedure TMediaPlayer.SetFilename(const Value: String);
  FMedia := TMediaCodecManager.CreateFromFile(FFileName);

At the end it ends up in FMX.Media.Win:

constructor TWindowsMedia.Create(const AFileName: string);
  HR := FGraphBuilder.RenderFile(PChar(AFileName), nil);

When the line

HR := FGraphBuilder.RenderFile(PChar(AFileName), nil);

is called, in debug mode, the program just returns to the IDE.

In runtime mode, nothing happens. No error message, just "nothing".

As you can see, I wrapped the related line into a try...except block, but no error is raised. The program/player doesn't continue.

That's very bad for me, because I wanted to catch this "special case" and log the affected mp3 files to a logfile so that I can change the embedded image.

I found out that it is only caused by some images. Maybe they are "somehow corrupt", but shown in all other players.

When I remove the image and embed a "new" one and save the file, everything is fine and the TMediaPlayer can play the file.

How can I catch this certain kind of "error" to get the list of affected files?

Cannot reproduce with MP3 file with a JPG artwork on Windows 7. Could you share that specific file?Victoria
I'm on Windows 7 too. :-) You can download the file here: mschlereth.de/stuff/dl/…XingFu ZhuanYun
Even with the uploaded one my DirectShow has no problem. But I'm having installed K-Lite codec pack (whose codecs might have been used for playback). My system is up to date (all Windows updates applied).Victoria
What's the value of HR after the line of code with the call to RenderFile?Dave Nottage
@Dave Nottage Can't evaluate the value of HR, because at this stage the application is closed and immediately "I'm back in the IDE". There's no error thrown or anything else.XingFu ZhuanYun

1 Answers


I got it managed now. Only in debug mode the application/player is exited without any thrown error and I find myself back in the IDE.

During runtime the try...except block works, when I chose an "affected file" manually. For the case that one file is played ("good one") and the next file is a "bad one", I had to change my "MediaNext" procedure. In this procedure I also had a try...except block when the filename was associated to the TMediaPlayer, but I just had set a bool variable for further use and didn't "jump" to the next file.

The code just was:

  mplMain.FileName := CurrentSong;

  on E:Exception do
    SongNotPlayable := true;


Here I can implement a routine to log the affected mp3 files into a logfile and then jump to the next file (if exists). :-)

Thanks again to all!