I'm using below code to file copy operataion in windows seven,but it doesn't work and there is no any error while running or debugging,When the application goes to calling the CoGetObject it'll crash and can't returning any Hresult error,I just know the error occur in this line ->result := CoGetObject(pWideString(MonikerName), @BindOpts,
ShlObj.IFileOperation, @iFileOperation);
anyone can find any problem in this code?
type PBindOpts3 = ^TBindOpts3; {$EXTERNALSYM tagBIND_OPTS3} tagBIND_OPTS3 = record cbStruct: DWORD; grfFlags: DWORD; grfMode: DWORD; dwTickCountDeadline: DWORD; dwTrackFlags: DWORD; dwClassContext: DWORD; locale: LCID; pServerInfo: Pointer; hwnd: hwnd; end; TBindOpts3 = tagBIND_OPTS3; {$EXTERNALSYM BIND_OPTS3} BIND_OPTS3 = TBindOpts3;`function CopyItem(const aSrcItem, aDest, aNewName: string): HResult; const CLSID_FileOp: TGUID = '{3ad05575-8857-4850-9277-11b85bdb8e09}';
var lFileOperation: ShlObj.IFileOperation; psiFrom: IShellItem; psiTo: IShellItem; myFile: TextFile; BindOpts: TBindOpts3; MonikerName: WideString; Res: HResult;
begin try
result := CoInitialize(nil); if Succeeded(result) then begin
ZeroMemory(@BindOpts, Sizeof(TBindOpts3)); BindOpts.cbStruct := Sizeof(TBindOpts3); BindOpts.hwnd := 0; BindOpts.dwClassContext := CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER; MonikerName := 'Elevation:Administrator!new:' + GUIDToString (CLSID_FileOp); result := CoGetObject(pWideString(MonikerName), @BindOpts, ShlObj.IFileOperation, @lFileOperation); if Succeeded(result) then result := CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOp, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER + CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER + CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER, IFileOperation, lFileOperation); if Succeeded(result) then begin result := lFileOperation.SetOperationFlags (FOFX_SHOWELEVATIONPROMPT + FOFX_NOCOPYHOOKS + FOFX_REQUIREELEVATION); if Succeeded(result) then begin result := SHCreateItemFromParsingName (pchar(aSrcItem), nil, IShellItem, psiFrom); if Succeeded(result) then begin if aDest <> '' then begin result := SHCreateItemFromParsingName (pchar(aDest), nil, IShellItem, psiTo); end; if Succeeded(result) then begin result := lFileOperation.CopyItem (psiFrom, psiTo, pchar(aNewName), nil); psiTo := nil; end; psiFrom := nil; end; if Succeeded(result) then begin result := lFileOperation.PerformOperations; end; end; lFileOperation := nil; end; CoUninitialize; end; end;
except on d: exception do begin
showmessage(d.tostring()); end;