I'm creating a Tic Tac Toe board in React. I'm trying to rest the board when a person clicks on the rest button that's in my app component. I'm trying to figure out whats the best approach dealing with this situation. I have been reading about uplifting, but if there is an easier way any suggestion would be helpful. here is my code
let data = {
[ "", "", "" ],
[ "", "", "" ],
[ "", "", "" ]
"players": ['X','O']
class DataStore {
constructor(data, players) {
//store that data in the object
this.data = data;
this.players = players;
//empty array for our watchers
//watchers are objects that want to be informed about when the data changes
this.registeredWatchers = [];
//add a new watcher to the list
register(watcher) {
setCrop(newDataState, row, col) {
//update data
this.data[row][col] = newDataState;
//inform all watching objects..
this.registeredWatchers.map((watcher) => {
class Dispatcher {
constructor() {
this.registeredHandlers = []; //D:
register(callback) {
dispatch(action) {
//call every method in our registered handlers array
//with this action as an input
this.registeredHandlers.map((handler) => {
//call that individual function in the array..
class BoxComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
handleClick() {
//try a test dispatch
if(this.props.type.length > 0) {
return false;
} else {
boxDispatcher.dispatch({ type: "pick", row: this.props.rowNum, col: this.props.colNum});
class GridComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
//make sure this stays a react component
this.state = {
turn: boxDataStore.players[0],
box: this.props.box
//ensure we're listening to the data store
dataUpdated() {
this.setState(prevState => ({
box: boxDataStore.data,
// turn: cropDataStore.players,
turn: prevState.turn === 'X'
? boxDataStore.players[1]
: boxDataStore.players[0]
render() {
//loop through all the rows...
this.state.box.map((row, rowNum) => {
//and write them out to the page..
return (<div className="row">
row.map((cropEntry, colNum) => {
return <BoxComponent type={cropEntry} rowNum={rowNum} colNum={colNum} turn={rowNum}/>
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>Tic Tac Toe </h1>
<button onClick={this.resetBoard.bind(this)}>reset</button>
<GridComponent box={this.props.data}/>
resetBoard() {
//start of app
var boxDispatcher = new Dispatcher();
var boxDataStore = new DataStore(data.box, data.players);
boxDispatcher.register((action) => {
if(boxDataStore.registeredWatchers["0"].state.turn == "X") {
//actually waint to handle it
boxDataStore.setCrop('X', action.row, action.col);
} else {
boxDataStore.setCrop('O', action.row, action.col);