I have a web application with a search engine created internally, based on Lucene indexes.
The application allows full text search.
The application is built in jsp and java.
To index user the Hadoop distributed processing software.
The Apache lucene project was customized to our specific case. Mainly the part of full-text search, to add new features of ordering results.
The front end uses hadoop-rpc to communicate with the backend, which in turn has created an internal solution (10 years ago) that researches in Lucene's indecisions.
The code is legacy, it needs a migration to another type of software. Here's the question: ElasticSearch vs. Solr?
The requirements are:
- open-source, the purpose is to customize to accept specific features of the application's ranking.
- Working with Lucene indexes (since you do not want to reindex all over again).
- Speed are very important factors.
I have read some articles on the subject, but I wanted a personalized opinion for my case, any idea of which one will be the best option?