
The code below doesn't work

run time error 1004

VlookSrc (Dim As String in VBA) is the value we look for in Range("KV5:KW105673"). It's a combination of different cells depending on c and d, and the string /DIR/ in between. In the local window it is possible to see that Excel recognizes the correct string. We use the IfError Function because there won't always be value found. The run error 1004 comes with the worksheetfunction.

    If Cells(3, d) = Cells(c, 33) Then
        VlookSrc = Cells(c, 48).Value & "/DIR/" & Cells(4, d).Value
       Cells(c, d) = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(VlookSrc, Range(Cells(5, 308), Cells(105673, 309)), 2, False), 0)
        Cells(c, d) = 0
    End If
Now we found out that the problem was the cell format of the dates.But we still have the problem with the lookup values where no value is found. How is it possible to use iferror worksheetfunction?Masterarbeit2

2 Answers


You can't use IfError() like that in VBA, instead:

Sub luxation()
    Dim v
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
        v = 0
        On Error Resume Next
            Cells(c, d) = .VLookup(VlookSrc, Range(Cells(5, 308), Cells(105673, 309)), 2, False)
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
End Sub

Drop the WorksheetFunction as that always raises run-time errors (plenty about this online) while Application allows for an error to be tested.

Sub x()

If Cells(3, d) = Cells(c, 33) Then
    VlookSrc = Cells(c, 48).Value & "/DIR/" & Cells(4, d).Value
    Cells(c, d) = Application.IfError(Application.VLookup(VlookSrc, Range(Cells(5, 308), Cells(105673, 309)), 2, False), 0)
    Cells(c, d) = 0
End If

End Sub