I'm not a VBA expert by any means, but know enough to do the basics. I'm working on a script to help out a local animal shelter. There are four sheets that they've been manually combining into one report. All four reports contain a common variable, which I've named AnimalID. The intent is to find the AnimalID on the Rabies Renewal sheet and return an expiration date to the Report sheet (209 instances as incremented by Count). I've copied the code for one of the selections below. When I attempt to run the script, I receive the following error (through msgbox Err.Description):
Error: "Method 'VLookup' of object 'WorksheetFunction' failed"
AnimalID's are in the first column of the Rabies Renewal sheet and in column Q of the Report. Column K on the Rabies Renewal sheet contains expiration dates, which should copy to column P of the Report. I've tried formatting the AnimalID's as text and numbers but haven't had success.
Dim Count As Long
Dim AnimalID, Renewal As Range
Range("Q:Q").NumberFormat = "@"
Worksheets("Rabies Renewal").Activate
Range("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"
Worksheets("Rabies Renewal").Activate
Set Renewal = Sheets("Rabies Renewal").Range("A:AO")
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
Count = Selection.Count
For Count = 1 To Count
AnimalID = "Q" & Count + 7
Range("P" & Count + 7).Select
ActiveCell.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AnimalID, Renewal, 11, False)
Next Count
I've also tried a few variants on the syntax, including the lookup value as Range(AnimalID).Value; defining the function as Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup; table array as a range; and rangelookup as both true and false. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!